The lector, also sometimes referred to as proclaimer or reader, is an active participant in the Liturgy of the Word. Belonging to a ministry is about giving of ourselves, our time and talents to help others. This is what we do as lectors when we proclaim the sacred Scripture. He/she is assigned and responsible for proclaiming the first and second readings, leading the assembly in the Prayer of the Faithful and making any necessary announcements. Lectors are needed at weekday and weekend Masses.
It is important that to be a lector one needs to be serious about their Catholic faith, be comfortable reading and speaking in front of a group, and to lead by example in how we practice our faith.
Training will be provided for all new candidates. Once training has been completed, you will receive a schedule with the dates and times when you will be proclaiming.
If interested in knowing more about being a lector, please contact the office.